Sunday, October 30, 2016

Good grips

I haven't figured this one out. A series of randomly placed wooden knobs of various sizes attached to a  restroom stall in Schipoul Airport, Amsterdam. They look a lot like drawer pulls. Really hard to get a good shot in the narrow confines of the stall. And I didn't even think about checking out other stalls for a similar arrangement. It is likely that they are just a design statement on the lowly utility hook. Just unexpected.

One at a time

I have wanted to add these pictures ever since I took them in March 2016
The story: Robert and I wanted to do something different in Chicago so found a Chicago Walks card that directed us to the Harold Washington Library in Chicago - the second largest public library in the United States. I guess the one in New York is larger. One draw was the top story atrium - a beautiful indoor garden, an absolute oasis of quiet in the busy city. To be honest you have to hunt for the entrance to the atrium. The final flight up the atrium is pretty much hidden from public view- you have to know it is there to find it. 

Anyway on the way back, I stopped by one of the restrooms and what first struck me was the gorgeous tile work that you see here, But then I found this brass plaque and I absolutely could not resist. I hope that this has nothing to do with mothers helping small children, but whatever the story is behind this notice - I do not want to speculate. 

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Celebrating all shapes and sizes

This lovely image was captured by my daughter, Anissa in the Jacksonville airport. A lovely example in its own right, it can serve, too as a celebration about women of all shapes and sizes. And who says that international icons can't be expressive!

(Of course this reminds me of an illustration I saw decades ago about a line of men outside a restroom with the international sign for women - wearing perfectly legitimate 'skirts' such as a kilt, toga, bathrobe, cassock, wizard robe. graduation gear, hospital gown )