Sunday, June 29, 2014

Outhouses in the Flint Hills

These structures should be instantly recognizable as outhouses. Although the nearby cabin has running water, it is incredibly expensive to blast through the rock to install a modern septic system. 
Regardless, the outhouses (labeled Pointers and Setters by the original hunter/owner) are outfitted with lights, wallpaper, air freshener and padded seats. 
Other features include two seats per unit (although I have never known anyone who has shared their occupancy) and the ability to watch deer if you are alone.
The less appealing aspects of these charmers include their lack of heat and the occasional snake sighting on the trek back to the cabin. 

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Green Gables

This is a chamberpot - a lovely painted china number that once belonged to Lucy Maud Montgomery. Yes, it is from the original Green Gables  home.

I originally captured this image in 2008, to share with my good friend, Sue Wells. I am sure the fellow sightseers thought I was just a bit weird.

Sue has similar items not near so lovely in her Greenwood county cabin. Said cabin does not feature indoor plumbing.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

The what and why of this blog

I have mulled the idea of a blog recording the whimsical, memorable details of restrooms I have encountered, and I have finally decided to just start.

All public areas, nothing scatalogical or gross, just those little details that I find worth noting, reflecting my own perspective of those very utilitarian areas of our everyday existence.

This first image is a brass plaque I bought to mount outside our own bathroom.