Sunday, July 16, 2017

Light beer?

Our road trip to northeast Kansas and Nebraska was a lovely random journey, where we had only a few fixed points and the rest of the adventure was determined by roadside markers. (Alcove Springs? Homestead Museum? Oohh that looks like a cool building, let's go look!)

Infusion Brewery in Benson, Nebraska was one of our planned destinations. It had perfectly ordinary fixtures in the restrooms, but we couldn't resist getting this shot of the light over the sinks. By the way, the Vanilla Bean Blonde Ale and Grahamber Ale were incredible! 

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Not your college kegger

First of all, I did not take these pictures. Robert bears the credit/blame here. Two weeks ago, he came dashing out of the men's room at BottleRocket Brewing in Seward, NE with this image of a repurposed keg. He assured me that stainless steel is perfectly good urinal material - I mean, isn't that what they use for bedpans? 

To complete the look, they added other repurposed materials for the sinks. The women's restroom just had the sinks. I particularly like the way they used the taps 

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Watery humor

These were taken at the Aquarium in Jenks, Oklahoma. I am sure that both the coasts are littered with bars and other public areas with similar signs, and the Aquarium is the only place for hundreds of miles where this would make any sense. And even so it is a stretch (life underwater has nothing to do with either gulls or buoys) but I am sure someone at the aquarium was just dying to do this.